Draga Corina,
Jiua de 28.11.2010 a fost foarte frumoasa Am plecat in excursie impreuna cu colegii mei si cu doamnele profesoare, sa vizitam manastirea Sf.Andrei,manastirea Dervent.
Ne-am intalnit cu totii in fata liceului, la ora 9:00,unde autocarul ne astepta sa ne imbarcam si sa pornim la drum.
Am plecat si cand nici nu ne asteptam am ajuns la manastirea Sf.Andrei.
Am vizitat biserica, apoi am mers in pestera unde ne-am rugat pentru noi si pentru cei dragi ,am pus la altar acatiste...pentru ca batranii spun ca orice dorinta scrisa pe biletel se va indeplini.
Am mers, apoi la magazinul de langa pestera, si am cumparat iconite,mir si cate o mica amintire pentru cei dragi.Ne-am urcat in autocar si spre amiaza am ajuns la Mnastirea Dervent. Am fost foarte impresionata...
Era un loc foarte impunator.Am intrat in biserica si am vazut o CRUCE crescuta din pamant.Sunt atatea lucruri, care nu se pot explica!
Dupa aceea, am urcat sa luam apa de la un izvor cu apa sfintita. Dupa care, am mers la magazinul din curtea manastirii si am cumparat mir si o cruciulita.....am facut poze...si uite asa a trecut timpul...
La manasitrea Dervent,doamana profesoara de geografie Serbanescu ne-a facut o surpriza: ne-a anuntat ca vom merge si in Bulgaria...
Am fost foarte fericiti la auzirea vestii.....
Am ajuns acolo foarte repede.A fost foarte frumos.Am mers si ne-am plimbat prin centrele comerciale ,am facut si poze.
Dupa ce doamna profesoara a facut prezenta, ne-am pregatit ca sa ne intorcem inapoi acasa...toti eram epuizati si foarte obositi.Pe drum, povesteam despre episoadele cele mai palpitante din excursie, schimbam ideei intre noi...
Si uite asa a trecut ziua. A fost o zii insorita, iar noi ne-am simtit revigorati.
Mi-ar placea ca aceasta excursie sa se mai repete...
Te pup draga Corinaa,
Pe curand...Bianca
Profersor coordinator:Serbanescu Florenta Elevii:Olteanu Bianca Elena
Nicolae Cornelia Andronic Marius
Liceu : Gr.sc. ,,C.A.Rosetti” Clasa: a XII-a B,profil servici
Dear diary,
Today, 28.11.2101, was a beautiful day, this is what I want to tell you dear diary……I went on a trip together with my colleagues and my teachers, to visit St.Andrew and Dervent church.
We all met in from of the high school at nine o’clock, where the bus was waiting for us to get on and drive us.
We left and, at a blink of an eye, we got to St. Andrew church.
Arrived at the church, we visited it, and then we went into the cave where we all prayed for ourselves and for our loved ones, then we wrote on a piece of paper our wishes …..because the elders say that every wish that is written on a mate and plored in the cave will come true.
After that we went to the church store and bought ourselves some souvenirs and some for our loved ones.
We took some pictures and then we moved to Dervent church.
When we got there….we were very impressed by what we saw.
It was a beautiful place, when we entered the church and we saw a miracle cross growing from the ground I was stunned….there are many things that cannot by explained!
After that we climbed up to the spring to get holy water….after, we went to the church store and we bought more souvenirs……we took some more pictures…and that’s how time passed….
After St. Andrew and Dervet church, our teacher, misses Serbanescu that teaches us Geography surprised us by saying that our next stop would be in Bulgaria .
We were very happy when we heard the news.
We got there very fast and discovered a beautiful country. We went for a walk through the mall, and we took a lot of pictures, so time passed so fast.
After that, our teacher checked us to see if someone was missing, and then we got ready to leave, as we were exhausted.
On the road, everybody was talking about how exciting it was and we exchanged ideas.
And that’s how the day passed, it was a beautiful day and the things we saw are priceless.
I would have to get on this trip again…….
Kiss you, dear dairy
Until next time….Bianca
Profesor coordonator:Serbanescu Florenta Elevii:Olteanu Bianca Elena
Nicolae Cornelia Andronic Marius
Liceu : Gr.Sc. ,,C.A.Rosetti” Clasa: a XII-a B,profil servicii
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