In Bucovina
Din turtele facute de Craciun se pastreaza pana primavara cand sunt puse intre coarnele vitelor cand pornesc la arat. Se spune ca acesti colaci, care se fac de Craciun, trebuie sa fie rotunzi precum Soarele si Luna.
In Bucovina nu se da nimic din casa in ziua de Ajun, nici gunoiul nu se da afara; nu se imprumuta nimic. "De ajunul Craciunului si al Bobotezei, se ia din toate mancarurile de deasupra: grau, galuste etc., iar apoi si doua placinte, una o dai intai argatului care e la vite, dar trebuie sa fie mancacios, ca apoi mananca bine vitele peste an si cealalta o rupi in bucatele s-o dumici in mancarea vitelor. Cand le dai sa manance zici: "Cinati sanatos ca si noi cinam".
Mai aflam ca in jurul Cernautiului, "sub fata de masa se pune fan, si de toate semintele ca sa rodeasca, apoi le dau la vite, si mai ales la vaci, ca sa nu le poata nimene strica".
In Mihalcea, in seara de ajun, "pun sub fata de masa coasa, ca sa fie toti sanatosi, iar sub picioare toporul; altii sed pe topor, ca sa fie sanatosi si tari peste an ca fierul. Sub masa pun cofa cu apa, sa le mearga bine la vite".
Pe la sate mai dainuie credinta ca in noaptea de Craciun animalele ar vorbi. Satenii se tem ca nu cumva sa le auda ca acesta ar fi semn rau.
In Bukovina
Made Christmas cakes are kept until spring when they are made from cattle horns when the show starts. They say that these coils, which are Christmas, should be round like the sun and moon.
In Bukovina not give you anything from the house on Christmas Eve day, or garbage not kick, do not borrow anything. 'It's Christmas Eve and Epiphany, take over all foods: corn, dumplings etc.. And then two pies, one who is servant first give it to cattle, but must be gluttonous, eating well then cattle over the other a year and break it into pieces crumble in cattle food. When you eat them say: 'Dine healthy dinner like us. "
May we learn that around Cernauti, 'under the table to put a fan, and all the seeds to bear fruit, then give it to cattle, especially cows, as it can not hurt anybody. "
In Mihalcea, on Christmas eve, 'putting the tablecloth scythe, to be all healthy and under your feet ax, the ax sed others, to be healthy and strong throughout the year as iron. Wooden pail under the table to bring water to their cattle go well. "
In the villages persist in the belief that animals could talk on Christmas night. Villagers fear lest they hear that it would be bad sign.
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