Date of birth: September 6th, 1966;
Marital status: married;
Current office: Prime Minister of Romania (as of December 2008)
Reader PhD (as of 2000)
Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca;
Faculty of Law, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca;
As of 1996, Lawyer – Cluj Bar;
Former office:
1991 - 1993, Teacher, "Gheorghe Lazăr" Pedagogical High – School Cluj-Napoca;
1993 - 1994, Junior Teaching Assistant, Department of Contemporary History and political sciences;
1994 - 1997, Teaching Assistant - Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences;
Constitutional law and political institutions (Faculty of Law, "Babeş-Bolyai" University)
Romanian Political System (Faculty of Political Sciences, "Babeş-Bolyai" University)
Public Freedoms in Romania (Faculty of Political Sciences, "Babeş-Bolyai" University)
2000, PhD in political sciences and political philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca;
PhD student in constitutional law and political institutions;
Member of the American Association of Political Sciences since 1994, and of the Romanian Society of Political Sciences since1999;
1991, Faculty of History and Philosophy
1995, Faculty of Law
As of December 22nd, 2008, Prime Minister of Romania;
As of December 2007, President of the Democratic Liberal Party;
December 2004 - December 2007, President of Democratic Party (PD);
2003 - 2004, President Executive of the Democratic Party;
2004 - 2009, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca Municipality;
2003, Vice Chairperson of the Committee in charge of the revision of Romania’s Constitution;
2003 - 2004, Leader of PD Parliamentary Group, Chamber of Deputies;
2001 - 2004, Vice Chairperson of the Legal Committee, Chamber of Deputies;
2000 - 2004, Member of the Chamber of Deputies;
2000 - 2004, President of BPJ Cluj (County Standing Bureau);
- January - July 1992, scholarship in socio- psychological sciences to University of Nottingham, England;
- February 1994 - June 1994, visiting scholar of political sciences and public administration, University of Pittsburgh, USA;
- January - April 1996, Visiting scholar of political sciences and public administration, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA;
- February - March 1997, Tempus scholarship to Universite Libre de Bruxelles
- February - March 1998 - visiting scholar at Michigan State University, East Lancing, within "Michigan Political Leadership "/ "Transylvania Political Leadership" Programs;
- April - May 1999, Tempus scholarship to Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
Political institutions and constitutional procedures in Romania, Accent Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2007;
Public Freedoms, Accent Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2001;
Grant Awards:
- "If it's News to You, It's News to Me", grant awarded by IREX, Washington D.C., 1997;
- "Are Our Leaders Reponsive?" grant awarded by IREX, Washington D.C., 1999;
Works published abroad:
La Romania e un regime semipresidenziale ?, in Adriano Giovannelli, Il semipresidenzialismo:dall 'arcipelago europeo al dibattito italiano, Ed. G.Giappichelli Torino, 1998;
The control of the constitutionality of laws in Romania, in Journal of Constitutional Law in Eastern and Central Europe, volume 2, no. 1/1995;
Works in volume:
Comparative perspective on Central and East – European constitutional systems, in "Studies and research in the field of socio- human sciences” volume, Romanian Academy Cluj-Napoca Branch, Argonaut Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, l996.p. 1-10
Courses andseminar notebooks for student use:
Compared parliamentary and presidential systems, Cluj-Napoca, 1996;
World political leaders, seminar notebook on compared political systems, Faculty of Political Sciences, Cluj, 1997;
1. Ordinances issued by Ciorbea Cabinet - Necessity and constitutionality, in “Sphere of Politics " no. 51/1997;
2. Current changes in the evolution of the separation of powers’ principle (I), in Studia Universitatis, Historia Series, no 1-2/ 1994;
3. Bureacracy and state in "Standard International" Review, social – political research review, Cluj Napoca, no. 2/1996;
4. Administrative power – a new power in the state powers’ system, in "Studia" Sociology-Politology Series, no. 1-2/1994;
5. Current changes in the evolution of the separation of powers’ principle (II), in Studia Universitatis, Historia Series, and no. 1- 2 / 1996;
6. Comparative analysis of the parliamentary and presidential system, in "Studia", Sociology – Politology Series, no. 1-2/1995;
7. Observations on US local government , in "Studia ", Political Sciences Series, no. 1/1996.
8. Freedom of expression and slander committed through press, in "Studia" Journalistic Series no.1/1997;
9. Parliamentary regime, in "Studia", Political Sciences Series, no. 1/1996
10. La Roumanie - EST-ELLE UN modele semi-presidentiel, in "EAST" Electronic Journal of the Faculty of political, no.l/1998;
11. Particularities of the Romanian semi- presidential model, in "Standard International" Review, social – political research review, no. 1 /1999;
12. Legislative delegation in the Romanian Constitutional System, in Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, no. 1(2) / 1999;
13. Uninominal voting system - solution for greater accountability of the political class, "22" Review no.11, March 13-19, 2001;
Conferences and addresses:
1."Romania – the analysis of general development in Central and Eastern Europe" – address at the "Post revolutionary Eastern Europe. Illusions and disillusions" Conference organized by Association des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l'Europe, Bratislava, December 27th, – 31st, 1993 and published in the Association Bulletin, 1994;
2."Contemporary Politics of Romania" – conference held at University of Pittsburgh, February 20, 1994;
3."Constitutional System of Romania. Semi-presidential system" –address at the University of Pittsburgh, April 1994;
4."Constitution of Romania and powers’ separation ", conference held at the International Symposium organized by Cluj Greek- Catholic Teology Faculty and Katholische Hochschuljugend Osterreich Wien, Cluj-Napoca, April 17-22,1995;
5. Controversial problems of current Romanian democracy, address at the Political Sciences Debate, Cluj-Napoca, December 7-9, 1995
6. Romania before the 1996 Parliamentary and Presidential Elections, conference held at University of Virginia (February 1996) and University of Pittsburgh (March 1996);
7. Comparative perspective on Central and East – European constitutional systems, address at the Annual Scientific Session of Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca branch, May 17-18, 1996;
8. Panel Chair at the "Century Retrospectives on Eastern Europe" section to the "The Twelfth Annual Graduate Symposium on Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, University of Virginia, March, 29-30, 1996;
9. Critical Perspective on Central and East European Constitutional Systems, address at the Romanian – American Symposium on political analysis issues, May 28-29th, 1996, Cluj-Napoca;
10. Public administration concept, address at the National Symposium of Public Administration, organized by the National League For European Integration (LINE), Cluj-Napoca, October 8th, 1996;
11. Powers’ separation mechanism illustrated in the Constitution of Romania, address at " Youngsters in contact with democracy” Seminar, project financed by EU PHARE program for democracy , Cluj-Napoca, Army House, October 19th, 1996;
12. Centralization and decentralization in local public administration, address at the" Youngsters in contact with democracy” Seminar, project financed by EU PHARE program for democracy , Cluj-Napoca, Army House, January 20, 1997;
13. Powers’ separation principle illustrated in the new Central and East – European Constitutions, address at the annual scientific session of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca branch, legal department, April 24-26, 1997;
14. Comparative Perspective on Semi-presidential model. Critical perspective on Romanian semi presidential model, address at the "Transition politique et developement institutionel" conference organized by Bucharest Faculty of Political Sciences in cooperation Universite Libre du Bruxel!es, University of Genoa, Phanteon University of Athens and Universite Paris XII., Bucharest , March 11-14, 1997, about to be published in the "Transition politique et development institutionell" volume, Bucharest, 1997;
15. Romania - Semi-presidential model. Constitutional analysis of the 1991 Constitution, address at the International Congress of Romanian Studies, Cluj-Napoca, June 30, July 5th, 1997;
16. Freedom of speech and slander committed through press, address at the “Roma population’s image illustrated by Romanian press “Seminar, organized by the Institute for the Study of Bucharest Multiculturalism and Academic Research Centre of Cluj Political Sciences Faculty, Cluj-Napoca, July 18-19, 1997;
17. Particularities of the Romanian semi- presidential model. A Critical Perspective, address at the Political Sciences Debate, Cluj-Napoca, May 1998;
18. Peculiarity of administrative power in state powers’ system, address at the International Conference of public administration, organized by the Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, October 1998;
19. Critical perspective on Romanian political system, address at the National Conference of Political Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, October 1999;
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