With my students on the Eforie beach

My name is Cazacu Dumitra, a geography teacher at Marine Technical College ,, Alexandru Ioan Cuza " ConstantaTechnical College of Marine,, Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Constanta, Romania. I would like to participate, together with my students, from tenth grade D, at your project ,, Communitys and Traditions”.
Trough registration at this project, we want to make well-known our city, Constanta, romanians occupations and traditions, hwo lives on this corner of world. To become preciselly, Dobrujda and county Constanta, has thousands and thousands of years of history, as a constitutive part of this romanian province.
Here live togheter in harmony, peoples of different nations like romanians, greeks, macedo-romanians, turks, jewis peoples and bulgarians.
Therefore, we want to share with you some of the beautys of Constanta, the history of it, who was hard tryed along these years, and however this community is so constant and proud to be part of this nation, romanian nation.
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