luni, 26 decembrie 2011
joi, 22 decembrie 2011
luni, 31 octombrie 2011
Pagina profesoarei Cazacu Rica

With my students on the Eforie beach

My name is Cazacu Dumitra, a geography teacher at Marine Technical College ,, Alexandru Ioan Cuza " ConstantaTechnical College of Marine,, Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Constanta, Romania. I would like to participate, together with my students, from tenth grade D, at your project ,, Communitys and Traditions”.
Trough registration at this project, we want to make well-known our city, Constanta, romanians occupations and traditions, hwo lives on this corner of world. To become preciselly, Dobrujda and county Constanta, has thousands and thousands of years of history, as a constitutive part of this romanian province.
Here live togheter in harmony, peoples of different nations like romanians, greeks, macedo-romanians, turks, jewis peoples and bulgarians.
Therefore, we want to share with you some of the beautys of Constanta, the history of it, who was hard tryed along these years, and however this community is so constant and proud to be part of this nation, romanian nation.
joi, 13 octombrie 2011
Pagina lui Besir Levent

miercuri, 12 octombrie 2011
Pagina lui Bogdan Pirlea
luni, 3 octombrie 2011
Pagina profesoarei Anisoara Iordache
Pagina profesoarei Mihaela Dancu

My name is Dancu Mihaela and I’m teaching mathematics at the Technical College of Marine “ Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Constanta, Romania. I teach math for 7 years and I got second degree in education in 2010. I participate in this project, coordinating the ninth grade students: Iancu Valentin Gabriel and Damian Marius Andrei. Both me and my students are very excited to work together on this project and we hope to achieve something exciting and interesting same as the project theme :” Mystery Circle”.
I am grateful to Mrs. Iordache Anisoara, who informed me about this project and its themes, and I hope that we’ll be working together and she will guide us on the project because she has experience.
Also, I hope in the future to involve other students , because many of them have shown interest to participate in this project or future projects.
Constanța Casino History
Since the 1880`s takes great attraction of Constanța, then a simple hut of planks, installed near the Genovese lighthouse, Elizabeth Avenue plateau (the current Casino sit, built three decades after). The first arrangement included a ballroom, two reading rooms, two games rooms and a terrace on the waterfront. The first Casino have the disavantage that, being built of lightweight materials and perishable, was destroyed by storms that hit part of the coastline. After the 1891 storm that caused the collapse of the roof, the City Hall decided to demolish the building (January 29, 1892). The second Casino was located also on Elizabeth Avenue, was built of wood and worked between 1893-1910. It had an area three times larger than the first, a terrace on the sea floor where you can go down to the Black Sea, but it still looks modest. Only in 1903, the architect Daniel Renard (of Swiss origin, but with Romanian mother) made plans for imposing building which would become the symbol of the city. The Casino, as we know it today is the clearest example of Art Nouveau arhitecture in Romania (”Art 1900”). The inauguration takes place in an exquisite way, in the presence of Prince Ferdinand, on August 15, 1910. The Casino was becoming not only an entertainment center, but also a cultural one (theatrical performances, symphony concerts, operetta, literary meetings or circles) and during the Two World Wars it became a hospital. The building was constructed in the baroque style, the top of the building was decorated with antique vessels arhitectural elements, having ram heads and seaweed garlands. The interior had walls of marble and columns covered with stucco.
After the Second World War the upstairs hall becomes a cinema, and the other halls turn into restaurant. In 1977, the building is restaured, and the big hall returns to its original purpose – a place for entertainment and a restaurant. After 1989, the Casino continued its activity for 10 more years and then it was closed because of the degradation. Because of administrative problems and not only, the symbol of the Constanța City and a jewel of ”the 1900” architecture is degrading continuosly and thus goes of the body and the heart of the City.
”Free man, you will always love the sea” (Ch. Baudelaire)
The symbolism of the circle
The geometry and symbolism often interfered in the cultural history of mankind, geometry representing a practical interpretation of the magical mysterious configurations of points, lines, spots and combinations of theirs. In this approach, the triangle is considered a cardinal figure, the geometric symmetry and a symbol of God. The square is considered as of non-human origin (but still symbolizes mankind) signifying earth, matter and stability. Most important symbol, the Circle (as fundamental symbol with square, centre and cross) is Heaven, the Universe and Infinity. In a relationship of opposition, the circle symbolizes the Deity and Heaven, and the square - Humanity and the Earth. The circle has a direct connection point with center, as well as three – dimensional variant, the sphere.
„Concentric circles” are the degrees of existence, hierarchies of everything manifested, moments of evolution. So, the circle is a box that hides in itself some mysterious law of forces which are still waiting to be discovered or rediscovered by man. The Circle is the symbol that best expresses geometric infinity, the Universe, the eternal absolute.
The one who is inside its boundaries is feeling better protected and strong as a fortified city residents felt in the past, as the believers in their temples, as the gods in Olympus, as „The Knights of the Round Table”, as a magician in his magic circle.
Mysteries of the circle
miercuri, 14 septembrie 2011
2. Brief one-sentence description of project: In this project students are invited to a) explore how math is used in their families and communities; and b) use math skills to investigate community or social concerns and then take action to promote greater equity in the world around them.
3. Full description of project: (see sample activities listed below)
4. Age/level of project participants: All, including parent and community groups.
5. Timetable: October-November, 2011 and March-May, 2012.
6. Possible project/classroom activities: a) "What Math Means to Me" (Product: A math collage to share with a partner class) b) "Everyday Math in My Community" (Product: Report describing an interview. Or alternatively, student-written math story problems based on the ways their families use math.) c) Statistics and Society (Product: Analysis of a graph or chart showing statistical or numeric data on a social, political, scientific, or environmental issue. Or a critical analysis of the way numbers and statistics are used in the media.) d) Promoting Equity at Our School Site or Service Learning in Our Community (Product: Report on the actions students have taken in their communities or schools to promote greater equity, including a brief summary of the data and analysis on which those actions were based.) e) Global Data Collection Activities (Product: International data set resulting from student-created surveys, or student investigations of social, economic, or environmental concerns.) f) Virtual Gallery of Mathematics and Culture (Product: A photograph, drawing, or other artistic expression of some aspect of your culture that you would like others to know about, along with a text describing the item you have chosen and its connection to the world of mathematics.) g) An Idea of Your Own to Connect Math to Your Day-to-Day Lives, to the Broader Society, and to Issues of Equity
7. Expected outcomes/products: Participating groups contribute a report of their local project activities to the "Connecting Math to Our Lives" web pages. Joint creation of a data base on an issue of global importance. Data is collected and analyzed by classes around the world. Collaborative development of a set of images to serve as a resource on culturally relevant teaching for math educators globally.
8. Project contribution to others and the planet: Usual curricular divisions in schools link math with science in isolation from the social studies and language arts curriculum. When mathematics is instead taught "across the curriculum,” multiple opportunities arise to use math to uncover stereotypes, understand history, and examine issues of inequality.
9. Project language(s): All are welcome. We facilitate the project in English and Spanish. Other classes work in their native languages locally and send summaries in English. The facilitators are bilingual in Spanish and English and can help translate.
10. Curriculum Area: Mathematics, language arts, social sciences, environmental sciences, arts. Teachers of all content areas are invited to participate in this multi-disciplinary project.
12-13. Name and e-mail addresses of facilitator(s):
Kristin Brown, iEARN-Orillas,
Enid Figueroa, iEARN Orillas,
Patricia Andrea Pietrovzki, iEARN-Argentina,
To reach all the facilitators:
14. iEARN Forum where it will take place: iearn-math (for exchanges in English); iearn-matematicas (for exchanges in Spanish)
15. WWW page of project:
luni, 5 septembrie 2011
duminică, 19 iunie 2011
1. Local History, Project Description
2. Brief one-sentence description of project: Students write essays about the history of their home place can make power point presentation or prepare a blog
3. Full description of project: The project starts in October and continues through May. Participating educators can post a message in the introductions thread to introduce their class.
4. Age/level of project participants: any
5. Timetable/Schedule for the project: Ongoing
6. Possible project/classroom activities: e-mail exchange; forum; essay writing, sharing pictures
7. Expected outcomes/products: creating school sites; publishing booklets; Certificate of Participation
8. Project contribution to others and the planet: When students of all ages explore their own home place, learn threw history of their family and settlement, they contribute to our general knowledge of cultures and traditions. If they are writing to their peers in a foreign language, their motivation is increased.
9. Project language(s): any; English as the language of international communication
10. Curriculum area: any
11. Names/email of initial participating groups: iEARN community
12/13. Name/Emails of facilitator(s): Shukufa Najafova,, Azerbaijan, Rimma Zhukova, Russia,, and Scott Parker, USA, **************************************************************************************
duminică, 22 mai 2011
duminică, 15 mai 2011
joi, 3 februarie 2011
luni, 31 ianuarie 2011
2 Learning Circle Assignment

Computer Chronicles (High School) or iearn
Hi Anne, Zubida, Benson, Philip, Olga, Zachariah, Patrick
Anne Lambert ----- San Diego, California, United States
Zubida Alshethani ----- Al-Mudhaib, Oman
Benson Anzweni ----- Kakamega, Kenya
Philip Erasmus ----- Alexandroupolis, Greece
Anisoara Iordache ----- Constanta, Romania
Olga Klepinina ----- Kirov, Russia
Zachariah Mbasu ----- Makhkoho, Kenya
Patrick Njionou ----- Douala, Cameroon
*************************************************** (Anne Lambert) (Zubida Alshethani) (Benson Anzweni) (Philip Erasmus) (Philip Erasmus) (Anisoara Iordache) (Olga Klepinina) (Zachariah Mbasu) (Patrick Njionou)